Heterostructured organic/MoS2 nanowall with synergistic SERS enhancement enabling direct and sensitive detection of contaminants
Liu, Mei1; Zhang, Can1; Ou, Changjin3; Hu, Xiaoxuan1; Saleem, Muhammad1; Rahim, Abdur1; Ma, Liqi1; Lv, Baiju1; Liu, Xiaohong2,4; Zhang, Wei2
摘要In recent years, the pi-conjugated organic molecular system has attracted considerable attention for its surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) properties. However, the practical application of pi-conjugated organic materials as SERS substrates is limited due to the inefficient dissociation of excitons, weak enhancement, and poor reproducibility. Herein, we proposed a novel nanowall SERS heterocomposite based on 3D D(C7CO)-BTBT nanowalls and 2D few-layer MoS2 flakes. A significant SERS activity of the D(C7CO)-BTBT/MoS2 nanowall heterocomposite can be achieved by the charge transfer (CT) resonance enabled by the pi-conjugated interactions between D(C7CO)-BTBT and MoS2 and the electromagnetic field spatial distribution induced by the D(C7CO)-BTBT nanowalls. The concentration limit of detection (LOD) of the methylene blue (MB) molecules absorbed on the heterostructured D(C7CO)-BTBT/MoS2 nanowall substrate is as low as 8.2 x 10(-11) M, which is excellent among the reported organic-based substrates. A practical SERS detection for the 100 nm polystyrene (PS) nanoparticles on the D(C7CO)-BTBT/MoS2 substrates can be down to 4.5 x 10(5) ng/L, which is exceptional for the real-time monitoring of emerging contaminants based on SERS technology. This research not only provides a new SERS enhancement strategy for organic-based materials, but also may be helpful in exploring a potential candidate for SERS detection of emerging contaminants.
关键词SERS Heterostructured nanowall Organic/2D material D(C 7 CO)-BTBT MoS2
通讯作者Liu, Mei(liumei@sdnu.edu.cn) ; Zhang, Wei(zhangwei@cigit.ac.cn)