当前检索式 ((ALL:monolayer WS2))
限定条件 ((作者:2hod01w0-000146) AND (专题:微纳制造与系统集成研究中心))
CAS "Light of West C 1 Chongqing Research P 1 Chongqing Science an 1
Chongqing institute 1 Fundamental and Adva 1 NSFC[11404329] 1
NSFC[51402291] 1 NSFC[61504148] 1 NSFC[61705229] 1
National Research Fo 1 Project of CAS Weste 1 Project of CQ CSTC[c 1
Project of Chongqing 1 Singapore National R 1 Youth Innovation Pro 1
national natural sci 1 national natural sci 1 national natural sci 1
state key joint labo 1