当前检索式 ((ALL:Water Pollutants))
限定条件 ((资助项目:Chongqing Basic and Frontier Research Projects[cstc2015jcyjBX0120]) AND (资助项目:Chongqing City Social Undertakings and Livelihood Protection Science and Technology Innovation Special Project[CSTC2017SHMSA120001]) AND (资助项目:Chongqing Land Bureau Science and Technology Planning Project[CQGT-KJ-2014037]) AND (专题:土壤及固废研究中心))
CNPC Research Instit 1 Chongqing Basic and 1 Chongqing City Socia 1
Chongqing Land Burea 1 Chongqing Land Burea 1 Open Project Program 1
West Young Scholar P 1