CSpace  > 应用物理研究中心
Detection of oligonucleotides in aqueous solution based on terahertz spectroscopy
Tang, Mingjie; Zhang, Mingkun; Yan, Shihan; Yang, Zhongbo; Du, Chunlei; Cui, Hong-Liang; Wei, Dongshan
摘要A terahertz spectroscopic study is carried out to analyze DNA mutations in a label-free manner. The 5 base mutations from the 3'-terminus on single-stranded 17nt oligonucleotides has been detected in aqueous solution. © OSA 2016.
会议(录)名称International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, ISUPTW 2016
通讯作者Wei, Dongshan (dswei@cigit.ac.cn)
会议地点Chongqing, China
会议日期October 10, 2016 - October 12, 2016