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The design and implementation of patent collaboration managing platform based on cloud architecture
Wang, Xiang; Yang, Yong; Lin, Xiaoguang; Chen, Yongyuan; Zhang, Ju
摘要The patent information data has the characteristics of massive, open, scattered, but the lack of a well-designed platform which can make good use of these data is still a problem. The platform introduced in this paper which is mainly tailored for patent agencies can organize resource information, provide analysis report, and promote business cooperation. Based on cloud architecture, the platform has been designed and implemented to integrate the patent data from different systems, allocate resources dynamically through virtualization technology, and provide high-value services by depth data analysis. At present, this platform is applied as a business cooperation platform in the project of patent-cloud in Chongqing. © 2014 IEEE.
会议(录)名称2014 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science, ICSESS 2014
通讯作者Wang, Xiang
会议地点Beijing, China
会议日期June 27, 2014 - June 29, 2014