Research and realization implementation of monitor technology on illegal external link of classified computer
Zhang, Hong
摘要In recent years, with the continuous development and application of network technology, network security has gradually entered people's field of vision. The host computer network external network of violations is an important reason for the threat of network security. At present, most of the work units have a certain degree of attention to network security, has taken a lot of means and methods to prevent network security problems such as the physical isolation of the internal network, install the firewall at the exit. However, these measures and methods to improve network security are often not comply with the safety rules of human behavior damage. For example, the host to wireless Internet access and dual-network card to access the Internet, inadvertently formed a two-way network of external networks and computer connections [1]. As a result, it is possible to cause some important documents and confidentiality leak even in the the circumstances of user unaware completely. Secrecy Computer Violation Out-of-band monitoring technology can largely prevent the violation by monitoring the behavior of the offending connection. In this paper, we mainly research and discuss the technology of secret computer monitoring. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
会议(录)名称2017 3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering, AEECE 2017
通讯作者Zhang, Hong
会议地点Chengdu, China
会议日期May 26, 2017 - May 28, 2017