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Image processing algorithm study of large FOV compound eye structure
Cao, A-Xiu1,2; Shi, Li-Fang2; Shi, Rui-Ying1; Deng, Qi-Ling2; Du, Chun-Lei3
摘要For the large field of view compound eye structure with multi-dimensional sub-eye imaging channels aranged on a curve surface, the segmentation-rotation-projection image processing algorithm was presented to realize a large field of view synthesized of multi-channels. By confirming the arrangement characteristics of the compound eye structure, the relation among all sub-eye images captured by corresponding imaging channels was analyzed and the overlap regions between nearby sub-eye images were eliminated. Meanwhile, by using the principle of geometrical optics and imaging optics, the relation between the sub-eye images and the three-dimensional projection space was studied to achieve the large field of view of two-dimensional sub-eye images synthesized in a three-dimensional space. An artificial compound eye consisted of 37 lenses with field of view over 118 degrees was fabricated and the corresponding sub-eye images captured by the fabricated compound eye structure were processed based on the presented algorithm. The results show that the resolution of the sub-eye images can be ensured of no decrease during the image processing precedure and the algorithm can effectively realise a large field of view synthesized of multi-channel images meeting the practical requirements with high visual effect. All of the above studies could put forword the application of the compound eye imaging system.
发表期刊Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica
通讯作者Shi, R.-Y. (ruiyshi@scu.edu.cn)