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Tunable multilayer submicrostructures fabricated by interference assisted two-photon polymerization
Liu, Qian-Qian1,2; Zhao, Yuan-Yuan1; Zheng, Mei-Ling2,3; Duan, Xuan-Ming1

The three-dimensional (3D) focus exhibiting pagoda-like light intensity distribution has been realized with the assistance of interference of the incident beam and the reflected beam. Benefiting from this designable laser focus tailored by the polymerization threshold, we have fabricated 3D multilayer structures with the submicron-scale by two-photon polymerization with a single scan. The light intensity distribution in the focus is simulated by the Fresnel formula, which indicates the mechanism for modulating the 3D multilayer submicrostructures with designable cross-section morphology. Furthermore, the influences of laser power and focus height on the linewidth have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The multilayer submicrostructure fabricated by a single scan and the morphology modulation mechanism proposed in this study would be of profound importance for further applications in the fields of photonic devices, microfabrication, and biomimetic surfaces. © 2017 Author(s).

发表期刊Applied Physics Letters