Linking phosphorus fertility to soil microbial diversity and network complexity in citrus orchards: Implications for sustainable agriculture
Zeng, Quanchao1,2; Mei, Tangyingze1; Wang, Mingxia1; Tan, Wenfeng1
摘要Continuous input of chemical fertilizers causes soil acidification, land degradation, and water eutrophication, but its impact on soil microbial communities and co-occurrence patterns of microboes is unclear. In this study, we evaluated the impact of chemical fertilizer on bacterial community diversity and ecological network at 75 citrus sites in a watershed where chemical fertilizer is continuously applied. In addition, 25 natural forest sites adjacent to citrus sites were used as references to compare the potential effects of land conversion from natural forests to citrus orchards on soil bacterial diversity and microbial network. The results showed that the cultivation of citrus results in soil phosphorus (P) accumulation, with significantly higher available and mineral-bound phosphate contents than those found in soils of natural forests. Citrus soil average soil available P was 73.2 mg/kg, which was 20 times higher than that in forest soils. As the P content accumulates, soil bacterial Shannon index linearly decreases from 7.06 to 5.93 and is significantly lower than that of adjacent natural forest soils (7.13). Low P fertility soils have higher microbial network complexity and stability, containing more microbial communities and tighter relationships between microbes compared to higher P fertility soils. Soil P content and soil pH regulates soil microbial network complexity and stability. In addition, soil bacterial community structure in soils of natural forests is significantly different from that in citrus soils, and the bacterial community structure in high P soils is different from that in medium and low P soils. Soil P fertility reduces the relative abundance of dominant communities including Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Gemmatimonadetes, and also changes the relative abundance of some functional microbial communities, such as some phosphorus cycling microorganisms, including Acetobacteraceae and Beijerinckiaceae. In conclusion, soil phosphate accumulation severely alters soil bacterial community diversity, complexity, stability, and functionality. This could have negative impacts on soil functional stability and the sustainability of citrus orchards.
关键词Microbial diversity Chemical fertilizer Microbial network citrus plantation P cycling
通讯作者Tan, Wenfeng(tanwf@mail.hzau.edu.cn)