SbYS1 and SbWRKY72 regulate Cd tolerance and accumulation in sweet sorghum
Jia, Weitao1,3; Guo, Zijing1,2,4; Lv, Sulian1,2; Lin, Kangqi1,2,4; Li, Yinxin1,2
摘要Main conclusionSbYS1 and its upstream transcription factor SbWRKY72 were involved in Cd tolerance and accumulation and are valuable for developing sweet sorghum germplasm with high-Cd tolerance or accumulation ability through genetic manipulation.AbstractCadmium (Cd) is highly toxic and can severely affect human health. Sweet sorghum, as an energy crop, shows great potential in extracting cadmium from Cd-contaminated soils. However, its molecular mechanisms of Cd-tolerance and -accumulation remain largely unknown. Here, we isolated a YSL family gene SbYS1 from the sweet sorghum genotype with high Cd accumulation ability and the expression of SbYS1 in roots was induced by cadmium. GUS staining experiment exhibited that SbYS1 was expressed in the epidermis and parenchyma tissues of roots. Further subcellular localization analysis suggested that SbYS1 was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. Yeast transformed with SbYS1 exhibited a sensitive phenotype compared to the control when exposed to Cd-NA (chelates of cadmium and nicotianamine), indicating that SbYS1 may absorb cadmium in the form of Cd-NA. Arabidopsis overexpressing SbYS1 had a longer root length and accumulated less Cd in roots and shoots. SbWRKY72 bound to the promoter of SbYS1 and negatively regulated the expression of SbYS1. Transgenic Arabidopsis of SbWRKY72 showed higher sensitivity to cadmium and increased cadmium accumulation in roots. Our results provide references for improving the phytoremediation efficiency of sweet sorghum by genetic manipulation in the future.
关键词Cadmium SbWRKY72 SbYS1 Sweet sorghum
通讯作者Li, Yinxin(yxli@ibcas.ac.cn)