Sediment depth-related variations of comammox Nitrospira: Evidence in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Yu, Baohong1,2; Zeng, Quanchao1; Li, Jinlin1; Li, Jun1; Tan, Xun1; Gao, Xin1; Mao, Ziqiang1; Huang, Ping1; Wu, Shengjun1
摘要The recent discovery of comammox Nitrospira as complete ammonia-oxidizing microorganism has fundamentally revolutionized our understanding of nitrogen cycling in sediment environments. However, knowledge regarding their abundance, biodiversity, community structure, and interactions is predominantly limited to the upper layers (0-20 cm). To address this gap, we collected sediment samples along profiles ranging from 0 to 300 cm in depth at three locations within the middle segment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), China. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analyses suggested that comammox bacteria were not only ubiquitous in deep sediments but also more abundant than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). Ammonia monooxygenases subunit A (amoA) gene amplicon sequencing illuminated that comammox bacteria were more sensitive to sedimental depth compared to AOB and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), as evidenced by a more significant decline in community diversity and similarity over distance along sediment vertical profiles. Notably, we discovered that the amoA gene abundance, alpha-and beta-diversity of comammox bacteria exerted an essential contribution to potential nitrification rates according to random forest model. Phylogenetic analysis indicted that most comammox bacteria within sediment samples belonged to clade A.2. Intriguingly, the average relative abundance of comammox clade A.2 displayed a noteworthy rise with sediment depth, whereas clade A.1 demonstrated a converse pattern, unveiling distinct ecological niche adaptations of these two clades along the sediment profile. Ecological network analysis further revealed closer interactions between comammox bacteria and canonical ammonia oxidizers in the superficial layer (0-40 cm), with the network structure gradually simplifying from superficial to deep sediment (200-300 cm). Overall, these findings broaden the current recognition of the geographic distribution and niche segregation of comammox bacteria at the fine scale of the sediments ecosystems and provide insights into sediment depth-related variations of their coexistence network patterns in large freshwater reservoirs.
关键词Sediment Comammox Nitrospira Vertical distribution Co-occurrence network Three Gorges Reservoir
通讯作者Zeng, Quanchao(zengquanchao@cigit.ac.cn) ; Wu, Shengjun(wsj@cigit.ac.cn)