Triggering "signal-on" photoelectrochemical responses by heterojunction transition for selective detection of copper(II) based on Pd/ MoS2@g-C3N4 nanocomposites
Chen, Xi1,2; Huang, Haicai1,2; Wu, Qingping1,2; Xue, Fei1,2; Zhao, Ziming1,2; Liu, Jingqiu1,2; Duan, Haoyu1,2; Chen, Houyang1,2
摘要Controlling the concentration of copper(II) in aquatic systems is of importance for human health. Numerous traditional technologies to detect Cu2+ may encounter with limitations, such as high signal background and complicated operation. Herein, a highly selective photoelectrochemical (PEC) sensor is proposed for the "signal -on" detection of Cu2+ employing g-C3N4 nanosheets with MoS2 and Pd quantum dots deposited (Pd/MoS2@g-C3N4). Pd/MoS2@g-C3N4 could present the enhanced photocurrents of specific responses to Cu2+ under light irradiation. MoS2 quantum dots on the sensor are agglomerated into MoS2 bulk during sensing Cu2+, forming an efficient Z-scheme heterojunction. The heterojunction transition induced photoelectrons transferring from the bulk MoS2 to g-C3N4, resulting in "signal-on" PEC responses. Such Z-scheme heterojunction has conquered the traditional heterojunction towards "signal-on" mechanism, that was further verified by band structure measurements and DMPO spin trapping ESR analysis. Photocurrent intensities increased gradually with the addition of incremental Cu2+ concentrations, achieving a detection limit of 0.21 mu M and a broad linear interval range from 1 mu M to 1 mM with high selectivity and stability. This work may open a new door towards the in situ construction of g-C3N4-based Z-scheme heterojunctions for the signal-on PEC sensing platform, providing wide applications in environmental monitoring and food safety.
关键词Photoelectrochemistry "Signal-on" response Z-Scheme pathway Heterojunction transition Cu2+detection
通讯作者Chen, Houyang(chenhouyang@cigit.ac.cn)