Comparative analysis of nitrate evolution patterns during pollution episodes: Method development and results from Tianjin, China
Li, Yafei1,2,3; Han, Yan4; Ma, Simeng1,2,3; Zhang, Yufen1,2,3,5; Wang, Haoqi1,2,3; Yang, Jingyi1,2,3; Yao, Lu1,2,3; Bi, Xiaohui1,2,3; Wu, Jianhui1,2,3; Feng, Yinchang1,2,3,5
摘要Particulate nitrate plays an increasingly important role in the formation of air pollution process, while the main mech-anisms of nitrate concentration change are different in each stage, same as the driving factors. In this study, we pro-posed an episode-based analysis to illustrate the typical nitrate evolution patterns and identify the possible impacting factors in different evolution stages. Applying into twelve air pollution episodes, three typical patterns of ni-trate evolution were abstracted, and the corresponding conceptual models were constructed. All the pollution episodes were grouped by their evolving shapes, which were driven by physical and chemical processes. Episodes started slowly typically arose from gradual pollutant accumulation, both locally and regionally, and chemical formation under high humidity. Type 1 ("hump-shaped type"), accounting for 66.3 % of the total episode durations, including two "peak" concentrations, displays a rapid growth rate which could up to 4.6 mu g m-3 h-1 in average, mainly relying on the sharp drop in the planetary boundary layer height. Short scavenging processes and thoroughly dissipated stages of the pollution episodes always accompanied by strong north wind affected by Siberia-Mongolia cold current. Type 2 ("triangle-shaped type", 24.3 %) shows a gentle growth rate and short duration. Compared with Type 1, chemical pro-cess maybe more important "source" for the increase of nitrate concentration during Type 2. Type 3 ("trapezoid-shaped type", 9.4 %) presents a long platform stage, during which high humidity (RH > 90 %) provides favorable conditions for wet removal and secondary production, and the updraft can carry pollutants to high altitude. The source and sink are roughly balanced for Type 3. Our study highlights the importance of pattern identification for understanding the nitrate evolution behavior, it may also provide insights for pollution prediction and scientific mitigation strategies.
关键词Particulate nitrate Air pollution episode Evolution pattern Conceptual model Clustering analysis
通讯作者Zhang, Yufen(zhafox@nankai.edu.cn) ; Feng, Yinchang(fengyc@nankai.edu.cn)